There was recently an article posted on Yahoo! that just proves how fucking retarded some people can be. The title of the article itself just proves this schmuck is a complete douche, "First Person: How to earn $100,000 and Still Feel Poor". This lady, Laura Cone, writes a short piece about how his family of 4 is "struggling" to make ends meet on a $100,000 salary, and how that might be the new minimum wage in America. First things first, this woman's writing sucked and all she did was get on a giant soap box, complain about everything (and who's surprised) financially, and attempt to throw a huge pity party for herself assuming that people might actually feel for her. She goes on to mention that she spends 1,000/month on groceries (I'm assuming she does the grocery shopping), but what she would really like is to eat at a 4 star restaurant every night, and that her two kids are going to community college, but what would be great is to be struggling to send them to an Ivy League school. Then she completes her job of looking like a total ass by saying they bought their son a new car to deliver pizza, and that they save 10% of their income for their saving investments. Oh yeah, they also carry no debt.
All this shows is how some people just can't manage their money, or let alone appreciate when they've got a good thing going. This ungrateful whore just so happen to makes her "pathetic" life public by somehow getting it on Yahoo!. The only defense to Laura is that there are so many people that live above their means and then complain that the economy is in ruins, or they don't understand how they aren't making ends meet, basically what she would like to do to her family. The sad thing is this happens all the time. People try to buy huge houses and new cars that they clearly can't afford, so instead of making them look like rich, they just look pathetic. It's like those people's houses you walk into that are really big, but when you walk inside there is three pieces of furniture and all white walls. Or the single lady on a low salary with 4 kids decides to drop 5 grand on breast implants, why? Oh cause it made her feel better about herself. All these sort of awesome decision's that people realize how fucking stupid they actually are.
To be honest the biggest problem I have with this whole thing is how pathetic this Laura Cone sounds. Here she is not struggling or poor, but maybe just unhappy. Maybe she has an ugly husband, or her kids are destine to amount to nothing. Regardless of what the problem is, from what I read I can only assume she wants her next 5 years to look like this...Buy a huge house with expensive cars and live like money is no problem, a year after that have the house foreclosed so all your rich neighbors can see, get the car repossessed at your soon to be foreclosed house where you make a huge scene, begging and crying for them not to take it, later to only discover your husband is cheating on you because you clearly care more about what others think than he does, you can't grocery shop properly and instead of using your natural instincts and cooking, you ate out every day and tipped 35% because it makes you look important, and now single and poor, you realize that maybe the way you were living 5 or 6 years prior to that wasn't actually as bad as it seemed.
What's important to realize is that this Laura Cone lady needs to stop being a little bitch and realize that they've got a good thing going. I would love to find a job that makes 100k a year, and I think almost anyone would, so I end this with a big fuck you Laura Cone, value what's good in life, and learn how to spend your money better.
p.s here is this abomination of an article
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