The title speaks for itself, I'm curious about a lot of things that people deem as cool or they love because a lot of it doesn't quite make sense to me...
Right now in Houston the weather is already getting increasingly hotter and it is only March. Now obviously there is some biased to this, but I never understand why people say that they love the cold weather. But when people are discussing where they might be going on a summer trip or spring break, people always reference how much they love cold weather. What is fun about pasty skin and a weathered look? Does anybody realize how many ugly people live up north because they have seen one too many harsh winter's? I can only assume that girls say they love the cold so that they have a reason to cover up their hideous bodies, and guy's say it so they have an excuse to wear a NorthFace jacket and pretend that their cool. Everybody can go lay out on the beach and enjoy the sun, but nobody ever talks about how they laid out on the snow to catch some cold. Lastly, for all the people that love to ski and snowboard because they say they are really good at it, basically what they are telling you is their family has a fuck load of money to spend on their child so they think they can play a "sport". If skiing and snowboarding were actually sports, black people would be playing and they would be better than all the rich white kids.
Another big, hip and cool thing that people do is openly express their love for independent movies. Donnie Darko for instance was a really a movie that tried really hard to create a story with a bunny, crashing airplanes, an actual brother and sister, Seth Rogen (yes, he plays a small role in that movie), people dying, a cool theme song, and tried to say that all created some twisted and beautiful story. For all you hipsters who claim that Donnie Darko is one of your favorite movies either are trying too hard to be different, or you have a horrible taste in movies. The same can go for movies like Napoleon Dynamite, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Royal Tenenbaums, and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (R.I.P Heath). Those movies have horrible stories that people try to manipulate in order to make them cool, like they have some different train of thought that nobody else understands and therefore they feel superior because they spent 12 dollars to go see a shitty movie nobody else would.
The next thing I can assure you is that listening to country doesn't prove that you're a tough guy who isn't afraid to show a little emotion because you like the slow songs too. all it shows is that you like the sound of a dull guitar and lyrics that a 5th grader can write. Which brings me to the next topic, because this happens often in country music. Talking with an exaggerated southern drawl like your a "cowboy" isn't by any means cool or sexy. It's uneducated and fucking annoying. If you want to be part of a backwoods, inbred community, go to Kentucky or West Virginia. You can join the five other farmers left in America who still wear cowboy hats, have 4 teeth, think Blue Collar Comedy Tour is hilarious and argue there is no difference between their wife and cousin. Even further than that, if you enjoy talking like you grew up in "the hood" is equally unappreciated. That was moderately cool in the 90's and early 2000's, but then again so were tall T's, and grills. It sounds terrible, and certainly if that is the sort of thing your're into, then either you need to need to purchase Rosetta Stone's English CD pack, or Hooked on Phonics for those who feel Rosetta Stone is a little out of their league still.
Lastly, and I have already touched on this multiple times in previous blogs, and this sort of concludes the entire point of this blog by suggesting to be yourself, and not to try to be something your not. But don't support something you don't truly believe in, it drives me fucking crazy. Like all the people who really and truly devoted themselves to the Kony 2012 movement, was that fun for a whole week? Did you feel like you were part of a revolutionary movement? Or all the people who claim they support breast cancer. Do you really do something to try and help, or do you just like wearing a wristband that says 'boobs' on it? Nothing is worse than pretending to support something you don't cause you think people will think you are some sort of humanitarian.
I conclude by apologizing to those who truly do enjoy being ugly and cold, a shitty taste in movies, or a permanent speech impediment. I'm not knocking you, but I do feel bad for you. Lastly, to those who really do support movement and do something to help I thank you, because I probably don't make enough of an effort to do something. But here is a little fun fact, The guy who started the Kony movement? Claimed that he gained just over a million dollars and kept 900k in order to "further the movement". He isn't the only one, all those donation companies or movements, usually only send 10% of the money that is sent over there. So think about it next time you decide where your sending your money
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