The truth of the matter is, is that regardless of what you think or do, in the end it is not going to matter. Taxes will go up, jobs will be lost, and people in the military are still going to shipped out. I think the problem is the people who protest either a. can't enunciate well enough while chanting, or b. their penmanship needs improvements on all their signs. That's a lie, but sometimes I like to think that that is politicians excuse for not listening.
I am from Texas, and even with out knowing a single thing about politics I can tell you this. Regardless of my vote and my thoughts on who is running this god forsaken country my vote DOES NOT matter.
I know that is one of those golden phrases that makes certain people want to choke me out the second the sentence leaves my mouth. But let's face it, Texas isn't a swing state. I could get a 1,000,000 people to vote democrat who usually vote republican and when I watch the news during voting Texas will show up red (surprise surprise...). Look at it anyway you want, but the fact of the matter is, is that Texas is a red state and my vote isn't changing its color.
"But your ancestor's fought and died for your right to vote!" I know they did, and I am grateful for that. They also fought and died for me to bare arms, but I hate guns and believe that outside of hunting they shouldn't be used. Does that make me unpatriotic? Not to mention, like I stated before even if I do opt to exercise my right to vote...all that does for me is waste time in my day so that I can walk into a photo-booth and write Lord Voldemort down as my President. And even when I do write him down, unfortunately Texas isn't going to swing because I thought the Tom Riddle himself preached the right things.
In the end this is why politics are such a controversial topic. Now that Obama is in the office Republicans say things like, he's only a good speaker, he is a communist, or he is the Anti-Christ. Democrats respond, well he is better than that coke-head Bush, that inbred Texan could barely get through a speech with out forgetting while he was up there. Then R's respond, well he was better than that pervert Clinton, which is countered by recognizing Bill's superiority to George W's retard dad. And as if I haven't gotten my point across far enough, the argument just continues in a spiraling and pathetic case until both parties head's explode with anger. However the one positive is that eventually, if the argument continues down the line we will reach common ground. Both Democrats and Republicans can conclude that our wooden toothed, drunken, fake haired, first president, who lived on some fake mountain must have been the greatest president to ever touch American soil! I give you Mr. George Washington! My argument for all politics is we need to find someone that fits those qualities and we will once again be officially united.
If none of that satisfies you just remember Republicans for Lord Voldemort!
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