Thursday, April 19, 2012

Parenting: If they make a Mistake...hit em'

Alright well I'm not a parent, but that doesn't mean that I'm not aware of the rights and wrong's of bringing up a child. 

Nothing is more infuriating than being in a public place and witnessing a child get the hell beat out of them because they are "making a scene". To be fair, the only scene that is being made is watching a parent's inability to control your child with out having to wail on them. For all the people who believe that hitting your child is a proper way of teaching discipline let me ask you a couple of things. At your age, if someone were to hit you repeatedly because you weren't doing something right, would you still want to be near them, talk to them, or go to them when you have a problem? Unless your suffering from Stockholm Syndrome my guess is probably not. You say fuck that guy, and you never want to hang out with them anymore. So what do you think your child thinks? That you love them unconditionally still after you told them to go get "the belt"? All your doing when you hit a child for acting up is striking fear into them, not necessarily teaching them a lesson. You would think by now that people would have figured that out. Yet some people find that acting like a barbarian who has no other logic except force is the right way to handle things. Did you ever stop to think that your child has only been in the world for lets say, two or three years? and that maybe it's possible that they are not fully aware of what is right and what is wrong? If that were the case nobody would ever make anymore mistakes by the time we reach adulthood. Everyone makes the right decision, and nobody ever fucks up anymore because they should already know. From a logical standpoint, parents, if you make a mistake shouldn't someone be allowed to hit you? I mean you should know better by now right? Yet some people still insist on not listening to people when they are told specific instructions right? I say beat them. Beat them all for the their mistakes. The sad thing is they should actually know better by now because they older, more wise, and conscious of the decision's they make. Yet somehow when that happens that is considered assault. But when an innocent child is hit, it's called punishment or parenting. 

"Well I was hit when I was a child and I turned out okay." That's awesome, you're called the exception. Even then, maybe your not even aware of the mental trauma that was ingrained into you, or maybe your not as close with your parents because of that. 

Beating your kids is the easy way out of parenting, and often the result of built up anger that is taken out on your child rather than the culprit who initially pissed you off. Anyone can hit a kid, and it makes you look pathetic. Try hitting your spouse next time they don't do things right, or a stranger who is acting up in public and see how things go. I'll reiterate me point by telling you hitting children doesn't teach them lessons, it only teaches them fear. The reason they stop acting up is because they are scared of being hit, not understanding what they did was wrong. So maybe it's time for you to start growing up, rather than hitting someone who is trying to do the same thing. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

To the Bottom of the Totem Pole we will go

This link here will blow your mind. The idea in this video is well thought, creative, and incredibly intelligent. Astrophysicist, Neil Degrasse Tyson is the speaker in the video and he discusses the idea of how life could have been potentially created on earth because of mars. He further explains the idea of how human and chimpanzee relationship's are so very close (separated by only 1% by DNA), yet at the same time so far apart. Furthermore, Tyson goes on to discuss the idea of a being, or alien, that might only be 1% different than us, but in the continuing direction, and the scale or magnitude of their intelligence, and how much greater intellectually they would be compared to us. As he mentioned, think about it like a alien child or toddler being able to perform at the same intelligence level as Stephen Hawking. He describes this idea as fascinating, I describe it as fucking scary. 

In a perfect scenario, yes, the idea of super cool aliens hovering down and telling us about all the greatest questions, and teaching us all the unanswered things we are still trying to learn would be totally cool. At the same time though, these martians could be the naughty kid who hovers over ants with a magnifying glass. If that were the case things wouldn't even be fair. Your most intelligent thought, whether it was an attacking or defensive strategy would be a joke to them. They would laugh and then murder you dead. Our military would be blown to smithereens in a matter of seconds. Not even John Rambo would be able to fight this battle, and he fought of the entire country of Vietnam in an hour and half.  To make matters worse, imagine if they were not violent creatures, yet still obtained the 1% greater intelligence than humans. Do you have any idea how demoralizing that would be! Any time you came of with a cool idea, a funny joke, or a cool drinking game...they would be able to one up you right away! Human's would have to be pumped full of Prozac just so that they could make it through the day with out offing themselves. The confidence levels of even the most arrogant pricks would be submerged in an pool of much greater intelligence. God only knows if they were more athletic. There would have to be segregated sports among species. Alien slam dunk contest's would have to be held outside so their vertical wouldn't be limited to the roof, and football fields would have to be 400 yards long. Michael Jordan in his prime would have looked like Luke Walton, Pele' like This year's Andy Carroll, Tiger Woods like John Daly, and Mia Hamm like...every other women athlete? Anyways, the point is we would be the laughing stock of society, and there would be nothing fun about meeting these new species from across the universe. The idea is marvelous and Respect to Mr. Neil Tyson for his eagerness to find these soul suckers, but I prefer to live in a universe where we are the only intelligent being.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The New Orleans Saints

Last week, the New Orleans Saints speculation of a bounty scandal were busted wide open with an exclusive "motivational speech" from coach Gregg Williams. Now, there is no doubt that some of the things he said were pretty fucked up, but I spent some time thinking about this whole thing, and though I don't agree with my own thoughts, I do find it interesting way of looking at it.

The bounty scandal, for those who don't know, was a set up in the New Orleans organization where coaches were paying players to injure certain players on the field. You take Tom Brady out of the game, here is 15,000 bucks, simple as that. The way I see it, the way that analyst and media portray and word the bounty scandal that was taking place influences viewers to see it in a negative light. To me, I don't agree with it, especially after hearing the speech and everything, I think it's obviously frowned upon to tell someone to go after someone with previous concussions, or attack someones ACL. However, I believe that it is only morally wrong that the Saints did this, not necessarily legally wrong and this is why...

The New Orleans Saints were top 9th in the league for penalty yards according to ESPN, which seems bad, but the majority of those came from the offensive side of the ball. Secondly, I tried to find players who got suspended but found nothing on players from New Orleans being suspended specifically for dirty hits on players. Which raises the original question, is the bounty scandal more immoral than illegal? Think about it, that's like suspending players for doing their job too well. They're not getting flagged during the game for illegal hits, yet now they are in trouble for hitting guys legally as hard as they can, but isn't that supposed to be their job in the first place? Now, someone is paying them small amounts of money (compared to the salary they make) to give them incentive to play as hard as they can on every down. If they were getting in fights, and stomping on people's heads in between plays and stuff then this whole thing would be illegal and immoral, but it seems to me that the Saints are just playing the sport like they are supposed to, unfortunately, because it is a contact sport guys do get injured. But them getting paid extra money out of pocket for doing their job doesn't seem illegal, just simply frowned upon. It's not taking money away from the NFL, and it's a crafty and dark way of keeping guys motivated.

I'm not saying that I agree with this thought at all, but I do find it interesting the way the media is portraying the entire "bountygate" thing. It seems to me like video taping practices, anyone who acts like James Harrison, or steroids should be taken more seriously than this, according to how I thought about it. What do you think?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Here's a guy...

I know right now that the NFL talks are all about the bounty scandal, Andrew Luck, RG3, and Peyton Manning in Denver now, but one story recently popped up that sort of made headlines, but didn't quite as much as an impact as it should have. I'm talking about LSU's top defensive back, Morris Claiborne. There is no doubt that Morris Claiborne is a beast, and that he will probably go top 10 in the NFL draft this year. That sounds great right? Well, little fun fact is that this guy managed to score a gentleman's 4 on the Wunderlich test this year. For those of you who don't know what this test is let me explain: Basically the Wunderlich test is a 50 question test that test's basic knowledge...sort of like an IQ test, but for dumb people. The average score for the NFL is a 24, and the national American average is a 26 or 27. This guy, Mr. Claiborne made a fucking 4 on the test. You wanna know what kind of question's are on this test. Here you go:

What number comes next in the number sequence:
8     4     2     1     1/2     1/4     ...

What is the ninth month in a standard calendar year?

assuming the first two sentences are true, what is the third one?
all baseball player's wear hats. all boys play baseball. all boys wear hats

A pad of paper cost 40 cents. You need to buy 4 pads of paper. How much money do you need to purchase 4 pads or paper?

There are several more obviously, but I can assure you that no question gets much harder than that. According to the test, a score of 10 is just considered literate. He got a 4! I knew Vince Young was retarded, and he got a 6! that's like getting a 100 point test back from a teacher and realizing that you got an 8 (12 for Young). Fuck the average person could probably be given a blank scantron, no test, blindly mark 50 answers and score higher than a 4.

So this simple Jack, is now going to be filthy rich when that retard can probably barely spell his name. I mean honestly, do you really think that Morris actually had the grades in high school to get into LSU in the first place? Then receive a full scholarship where he doesn't have to pay a dime, actually attend class and graduate with a degree! He scored a fucking 4 on the Wunderlich test. I know that doesn't justify who you are, but come one man, how did this guy even operate day to day, let alone play football. It has to be incredibly embarrassing for him, that is if he can even comprehend that people are laughing at him. But the frustrating thing is, he never paid for college, probably got paid extra money while he was there. I mean let's face it, I'm fairly certain that almost every school does that shit. Then he received a degree (probably in a major he isn't even aware exists). Finally, like I said, this guy is going to make millions. It's bullshit. I mean in the end, he will probably lose all of that money, because just like every other retarded athlete. This is the end. I mean need I say more...okay one last time, a fucking 4 out of 50. May God help us all.